SORBS2 is a genetic factor contributing to cardiac malformation of 4q deletion syndrome patients

Elife. 2021 Jun 8;10:e67481. doi: 10.7554/eLife.67481. Fei Liang # 1 2, Bo Wang # 3, Juan Geng 3, Guoling You 3, Jingjing Fa 3, Min Zhang 2, Hunying Sun 4, Huiwen Chen 5, Qihua Fu 3, Xiaoqing Zhang 3, Zhen Zhang 2 PMID: 34099102 원본링크: PMCID: PMC8186900 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.67481 Abstract Chromosome 4q deletion is one of the most frequently detected genomic imbalance events in congenital heart disease (CHD) patients. However, a portion of CHD-associated 4q deletions without known CHD genes suggests …

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Tissue extracellular matrix hydrogels as alternatives to Matrigel for culturing gastrointestinal organoids

Nat Commun . 2022 Mar 30;13(1):1692. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29279-4. Suran Kim # 1, Sungjin Min # 1, Yi Sun Choi 1, Sung-Hyun Jo 2, Jae Hun Jung 3, Kyusun Han 3, Jin Kim 1, Soohwan An 1, Yong Woo Ji 3 4, Yun-Gon Kim 2, Seung-Woo Cho 5 6 7 PMID: 35354790 / DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29279-4 Abstract Matrigel, a mouse tumor extracellular matrix protein mixture, is an indispensable component of most organoid tissue culture. However, it has limited the utility of organoids for drug development …

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A microfluidic platform to study the effects of GDNF on neuronal axon entrapment

Volume 308, 1 October 2018, Pages 183-191. Ze ZhongWangaMatthew D.WoodbSusan E.MackinnonbShelly E.Sakiyama-Elbertc 원본링크: Abstract Background One potential treatment strategy to enhance axon regeneration is transplanting Schwann Cells (SCs) that overexpress glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Unfortunately, constitutive GDNF overexpression in vivo can result in failure of regenerating axons to extend beyond the GDNF source, a …

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Transcriptional profiling of immortalized and K-ras-transformed mouse fibroblasts upon PKA stimulation by forskolin in low glucose availability

Genom Data. 2016 Sep; 9: 100–104. Ferdinando Chiaradonna,a,⁎ Yuri Pirola,b Francesca Ricciardiello,a and Roberta Palorinia doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2016.07.004 Abstract Forskolin (FSK) induces activation of protein kinase A (PKA). This activation protects specifically some cancer cells from death induced by glucose starvation. Cell effects upon FSK treatment prompted us to investigate in detail the physiological role of PKA in the activation of …

Transcriptional profiling of immortalized and K-ras-transformed mouse fibroblasts upon PKA stimulation by forskolin in low glucose availability 더 보기 »

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