Micropattern platform promotes extracellular matrix remodeling by human PSC-derived cardiac fibroblasts and enhances contractility of co-cultured cardiomyocytes

https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.14814/phy2.15045?msclkid=5cdb6f0ea69911ec94ea077be24f81c1 Physiological ReportsVolume 9, Issue 19 e15045 B.N. Napiwocki,A. Stempien,D. Lang,R.A. Kruepke,G. Kim,J. Zhang,L.L. Eckhardt,A.V. Glukhov,T.J. Kamp,W.C. CroneFirst published: 07 October 2021https://doi.org/10.14814/phy2.15045 Abstract In native heart tissue, cardiac fibroblasts provide the structural framework of extracellular matrix (ECM) while also influencing the electrical and mechanical properties of cardiomyocytes. Recent advances in the field of stem cell …

Micropattern platform promotes extracellular matrix remodeling by human PSC-derived cardiac fibroblasts and enhances contractility of co-cultured cardiomyocytes 더 보기 »